Wound Ring Protector

Medline’s Wound Ring Protector is recommended for use during general, laparotomy, cardiothoracic and colectomy surgical procedures. This drape measures 90 x 90 cm, and to meet various surgical needs, it is available with five different ring diameters: 7 cm, 12 cm, 18 cm, 23 cm and 28 cm.

To efficiently and safely keep the drape in the correct position, the wound ring protector has a flexible but rigid ring at the fenestration site. In addition, to reduce the risk of contamination of the surgical area, the frosted, strong and drapeable plastic drape around the fenestration helps maintain a sterile barrier.

Other benefits of the Wound Ring Protector include:
  • Reduced glare due to the heavy, matte-finish film
  • Easy application with adhesive tape.

    Medline’s Invisishield products are designed to make the clinician’s job easier, while improving safety for both patients and staff during surgical procedures.

  • Wish to purchase this product?
    SKU IDE3712
    Ring Diameter 90 x 90 cm, fen diam 12 cm
    Contracted Price Unit Price:
    Pack Size: 40
    Number of packs:
    Line Price: 0.00£
    SKU IDE3718
    Ring Diameter 90 x 90 cm, fen diam 18 cm
    Contracted Price Unit Price:
    Pack Size: 40
    Number of packs:
    Line Price: 0.00£
    SKU IDE3723
    Ring Diameter 90 x 90 cm, fen diam 23cm
    Contracted Price Unit Price:
    Pack Size: 40
    Number of packs:
    Line Price: 0.00£
    SKU IDE3728
    Ring Diameter 90 x 90 cm, fen diam 28 cm
    Contracted Price Unit Price:
    Pack Size: 40
    Number of packs:
    Line Price: 0.00£
    SKU IDE3707
    Ring Diameter 90 x 90 cm, fen diam 7 cm
    Contracted Price Unit Price:
    Pack Size: 40
    Number of packs:
    Line Price: 0.00£
    Total 0.00£
    SKU IDE3712
    Ring Diameter 90 x 90 cm, fen diam 12 cm
    SKU IDE3718
    Ring Diameter 90 x 90 cm, fen diam 18 cm
    SKU IDE3723
    Ring Diameter 90 x 90 cm, fen diam 23cm
    SKU IDE3728
    Ring Diameter 90 x 90 cm, fen diam 28 cm
    SKU IDE3707
    Ring Diameter 90 x 90 cm, fen diam 7 cm
    Grouped product items
    Product Name Qty
    Wound Ring Protector - IDE3712
    Wound Ring Protector - IDE3718
    Wound Ring Protector - IDE3723
    Wound Ring Protector - IDE3728
    Wound Ring Protector - IDE3707


    Medline’s Wound Ring Protector is recommended for use during general, laparotomy, cardiothoracic and colectomy surgical procedures. This drape measures 90 x 90 cm, and to meet various surgical needs, it is available with five different ring diameters: 7 cm, 12 cm, 18 cm, 23 cm and 28 cm.

    To efficiently and safely keep the drape in the correct position, the wound ring protector has a flexible but rigid ring at the fenestration site. In addition, to reduce the risk of contamination of the surgical area, the frosted, strong and drapeable plastic drape around the fenestration helps maintain a sterile barrier.

    Other benefits of the Wound Ring Protector include:
  • Reduced glare due to the heavy, matte-finish film
  • Easy application with adhesive tape.

    Medline’s Invisishield products are designed to make the clinician’s job easier, while improving safety for both patients and staff during surgical procedures.

  • Specification

    More Information
    Absorbent zone included No
    Colour Transparent
    Antistatic present Yes
    Asepsis Sterile
    Single Use Yes


    Document BRO_Invisishield_ML164_EN_Nov_2023.pdf Download
    Document LAB171886_Warning_ST_MD_With UKCA_04-2022.pdf
    Document ISO13485_Medline_France_Certificate_MD595395_exp2025.pdf
    Document MDR 768587 - Medline_France_Other_Product_ Exp 2028.pdf
    Document IDE3723_LAB211010_LAB211011_LAB211012.pdf
    Document IDE3728_LAB211014_LAB211015_LAB230171.pdf
    Document TDS_WOUND_PROTECTOR_EN05.pdf
    Document PP-23072_EN01_TDS MDR.pdf
    Document DC156_Wound_protector_drape_rev03.pdf
    Document MAN_IDE3707_LAB230006.pdf
    Document IDE3712_LAB211005_LAB211006__LAB230168.pdf
    Document IDE3718_LAB211008_LAB211009__LAB230169.pdf
    Document IDE3723_LAB211011_LAB211012_LAB230170.pdf
    Document IDE3707_LAB211002_LAB211003_LAB230167.pdf
    Document UKCA 752994 Medline France Exp 2029.pdf

    Ordering Information

    SKU Ring Diameter Pack Factor
    IDE3712 90 x 90 cm, fen diam 12 cm 40
    IDE3718 90 x 90 cm, fen diam 18 cm 40
    IDE3723 90 x 90 cm, fen diam 23cm 40
    IDE3728 90 x 90 cm, fen diam 28 cm 40
    IDE3707 90 x 90 cm, fen diam 7 cm 40

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