Falls. They can happen to anyone.
Healthcare professionals understand that preventing falls, and the harm caused by falls, is incredibly difficult given their multifactorial nature.
For this reason, Medline has put together a number of resources to guide you. We offer practical tips and recommendations to help prevent falls in your hospital and a solution that offers a wide spectrum of quality products and a unique falls management programme to help drive best practices.
If you would like to keep up to date on the latest developments and/or share best practice, join the conversation on Twitter @falls_network and connect with Falls Leads from Hospitals and Community settings.
We are already preparing for Falls Awareness Week 2021!

Let’s use this Falls Awareness Week to encourage older adults to start doing some of those activities they loved doing before COVID-19.
#KeepMoving and #Thinkfalls

Studies show that one in three individuals over the age of 65 will fall each year in the UK. To minimise the cost and consequences of falls, hospitals need to implement and respect high standards and guidelines for patient safety.