10 Tips for Working from Home

10 Tips for Working from Home
Posted in: Wellbeing

In the last few years, with new ways to do business and the evolution of technology, more and more companies have adopted working from home policies. This has been an important adaptation for companies and their employees’ working styles. Working from home allows for more flexibility, eliminates commuting time (possibly increasing environmental friendliness) and the gives workers the chance to better balance their personal and professional lives. Working from home was also a unique and necessary solution for most businesses during the outbreak of COVID-19, allowing a large number of companies to continue providing their services without their employees being present in the workplace.

Everyone who works from home has to figure out when to work, where to work and how to maintain a good balance between professional and personal life. If you are new to the work-from-home style, the following tips can help you focus on healthy work habits to stay productive and maintain balance:

1. Create a morning routine.

A routine is a powerful way to start your day before sitting at your desk. You can, for example, set a fixed morning routine for showering, dressing and having breakfast. This way, you will start your day energised!

2. Set up an office space that suit your needs.

You need a desk and a chair where you feel comfortable, with an outlet and good internet access. Set basic rules with other people in your home. If you have children, it is a good idea to establish clear rules of what they can and cannot do while you are working or in the middle of a call. 

3. Make your own to-do list and highlight the most important tasks in your agenda.

Organising your work before your workday starts can help you prioritise your tasks. You can outline the three most important tasks and after having completed these, you can start working on the rest.

4. Set up meetings to discuss work issues and socialise with colleagues.

It’s important to keep in touch with your colleagues through videoconferencing. You probably have some topics to address that are easier to discuss anyway (vs email). Verbal communication is richer and well-suited to certain tasks. These video calls also give you a chance to just talk and connect with colleagues too.    

5. Schedule breaks.

It is important to take some regular breaks according to your company’s policy. You need to have lunch and relax, even at home. It’s the best way to be productive. Keep it in mind next time you’re feeling busy!

6. Look for virtual training opportunities.

If you are well-organised with your day-to-day work, you can begin to find ways to advance your skills. Perhaps your company has online courses available. If that’s not the case, you can start learning a new language!  

7. Set a time to finish your working day.

It’s important to finish your workday around the same time each time. Of course, there are some days where an urgent tasks arises and your responsibilities don’t allow this, but establishing a consisting workday routine is important for your work-life balance.

8. Eat healthy.

You need energy to work, and this energy comes from a healthy diet, amongst other healthy habits. If you think you aren’t going to have enough time to cook or prepare something healthy for lunch or dinner, try to do it the day before or at the beginning of the week.

9. Be positive.

Your mindset determines how you face problems in life, so it is very important to take care of your mental health. For this, focus on what makes you feel better and have a positive outlook. Try to surround yourself with empathetic and encouraging people.

10. End your day with a routine.

To successfully finish out a day and disconnect from work, you can do some exercise or watch a film. Also, you could read a book or take a walk! All of these activities will help you spend time with yourself (or family) and rest better at night.

Paula Dalmau
Communications Coordinator Sales and Marketing, Medline Iberia

Paula is a passionate Spanish writer based in Madrid. Her interests are well-being, emotional intelligence and business topics. Her educational background is in journalism, advertising, public relations and digital marketing. Learn more on LinkedIn.

2020-10-28 08:37:00