4 Advantages of Working for a Multinational Company

WTC Arnhem
Posted in: Experiences

Why join a multinational company? Working for a multinational company offers several advantages, both professionally and personally. It gives you opportunities for development, teaches you major life lessons and challenges you to open yourself up to a world of differences while collaborating as part of a team.

Working in the medical devices industry where you get to help improve healthcare tools, services and outcomes is fulfilling in and of itself, but there are other incentives. Here are four incentives of working for Medline:

1. Exposure to and training in foreign languages

Working for a multinational company often means you have to communicate with colleagues from different parts of the world. This is perhaps the best way to learn a new language, English in particular.

In the beginning, it could be tough and you may struggle with communicating your messages. However, over time, you will notice your fluency improves and your vocabulary expands. Let other colleagues correct you and help you in mastering that language. Eventually, you will find yourself thinking in a foreign language, which sounds great!

2. Framework for diversity and inclusion

Promoting diversity and inclusion in the workplace is fundamental in order to give everyone equal opportunities. What does this mean? It means respecting everyone, being tolerant of differences and accepting that others differ from you.

Along these lines, Medline Europe released its new Diversity and Inclusion Statement, underscoring that our differences only make us stronger. You can read more about it in this article by María Martínez, Senior Human Resources Manager of Medline Iberia.

3. Flat hierarchical structure and open-minded work environment

Multinational company organisational structures are important. Unfortunately, multinational companies often have leadership that closes itself off from those who are not in management or senior positions. And exchanges of opinions and flows of information tend to happen at a worker’s level in the organisational hierarchy.

However, this is not effective in today’s world of work in which more workers are keen on being heard and contributing their insight. When a ‘regular’ worker can speak with the most senior of staff, thanks to an open-door policy, and be taken seriously, it fosters a healthy, engaging and proactive environment. This kind of structure, as exists at Medline Europe, is key to the innovative ideas that the company has generated over the years for healthcare.

4. Work in one of the happiest countries

Nowadays, more and more companies decide to situate their headquarters in a multicultural and innovative country. Let’s take into account Medline Europe. It is headquartered in Arnhem, the Netherlands. For 2021, the Netherlands is the fifth happiest country in the world, according to the World Happiness Report. This report considers per capita income, life expectancy, crime and corruption rates, education levels and rates of employment. Therefore, the small but powerful European nation attracts countless expats each year.

So, if you are well skilled and you are looking for a challenging experience, you could find yourself living in a healthy economy with an excellent quality of life. The added benefit would be working for Medline Europe in one of its many diverse positions.


Are you interested in working for a international company? Medline Europe is hiring!

Roberto Marrazzo
Sales and Marketing Apprentice, Medline Italy

Roberto is a native of Prato (near Florence) who is keen on wines and has a passion for travelling, foreign languages and, most recently, digital marketing. His educational background is in languages (Spanish, English and Arabic), as well as intercultural studies. Learn more on LinkedIn.

2021-08-04 08:11:00