5 Benefits of Procedure Pack Reviews

Medline SPT factory
Posted in: Healthcare

Have you ever heard the saying, ‘the more things change, the more they stay the same’? It is true in some cases. I’ll give you an example: Despite years of developments, many healthcare professionals are currently using custom procedure packs for their top surgical procedures, and those packs were developed over five years ago. Their activities are also increasing and, as a result, they are facing storage challenges. They’ve, therefore, had to dedicate more time and effort to coordinating more and more medical devices in their supplies and on their surgical cards. And, of course, it’s costing them a lot of money.

Does that example sound familiar to you? A bit close to home (or in this case, your healthcare facility)?

Status quo check

With change, comes uncertainty. But a spotlight has certainly been placed on a number of processes that directly affect how you deliver healthcare. It questions whether your processes, for all surgeries, are optimised, if you are using the most efficient solutions and how well you are prepared for increased activity.

We know you are aware of the benefits of using custom procedure trays, but you are yet to take the next step to further integrate these trays into your activities. This has to change, especially in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic and considering what life after that may look like. The long-term health crisis has exposed a number of shortcomings related to practices within healthcare facilities, including surgery.

Present solution

Pack reviews are absolutely critical to ensuring the delivery of high-quality healthcare and will help you, healthcare providers, increase your operational efficiency. Here are five benefits of conducting regular pack reviews:

1. More sustainable planning and logistics

Many healthcare facilities are planning to increase the number of surgeries carried out, in order to facilitate patients who have had important surgeries postponed due to COVID-19, and, by extension, start earning at near-normal levels again. Unfortunately, this could cause stress on staff if the packs at their disposal are not optimal. Pack reviews prioritise pack optimisation, which means ensuring that all included components are required and in the correct assembly order.

2. Improved volume management

It is likely that some procedure volumes have either increased or decreased in light of the pandemic. A pack review allows you to assess all procedures and forecasts to ensure there is an understanding of what packs you need, and predict how many you are likely to use on a weekly/monthly basis.

3. Cost pressure and waste reduction

This pressure could be related to a number of things. However, regardless of the reason, pack reviews help you to cut some costs. During a pack review, you learn about items in your current packs that are routinely unused and must be disposed of, representing unnecessary expenditure and waste. You are then given options of alternative cost-saving components to help create more accurate and sustainable packs. With everything in one pack, you open less and throw out less packaging.

4. Well-balanced post-COVID-19 transition

Even after we gain control over the pandemic, it is still likely that there will be longer turnover times between procedures in operating theatres. This is directly tied to more extensive cleansing measures brought on by the pandemic. To help offset this, your packs should hold all components that a specific procedure requires. This eliminates the need to order and manage required items individually. During pack reviews, you will be able to focus on items that are being sourced and opened separately and should be added to the procedure pack. A comprehensive pack will allow for greater operational efficiency, storage and time management, and pressure reduction for staff.

5. Virtual compatibility

It is possible to conduct pack reviews without meeting physically, as required. Some healthcare facilities have already begun taking advantage of this service, placing them one step closer to a smooth transition into the post-COVID-19 period.

Medline’s Pack Review Programme offers these benefits. We have trained experts, clinical sales representatives and account managers who are ready to provide customised and consistent support. With us, you can analyse your current surgical activities, cards and devices, and explore solutions to improve your efficiency and eliminate waste.


Want to know more about SPTs? Click here!

Carlos Tapias
SPT Product Manager EU, Medline Europe

Carlos has over 8 years of experience in the international healthcare industry with a background in marketing and international logistics administration. He currently manages the sterile procedure tray division for all of Europe, coordinating different projects, optimising processes and developing innovative solutions and high-quality products to fulfil all customer needs. Learn more on LinkedIn.

2021-02-19 08:36:00